City, Music, My Thoughts

Om Farhan back to radio, now in Delta FM

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It's been a while I missed Farhan, tv and radio host. Since his late night show 'Om Farhan' losts it grip and attention from Empat Mata show (hosted by Tukul Arwana), we don't see Farhan much. Since his career rose from Prambors to Cosmopolitan FM, then his tv appearance made him busy, current morning radio talk show in Cosmopolitan FM seems dull for me.

Then advertisement in Kompas several days ago got my attention. A nice advertisement Delta FM with a picture of Farhan helping elderly mother. It didn't mention about Farhan movement, but I could understand that this is movement advertisment. So I turned my radio this morning to Delta FM 99.1 and quite surprise with his 'old and lovely' voice.

Welcome back, uncle!


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