My Journey, My Thoughts

Get Over It

Last night I went to Taman Anggrek (MTA) for window shopping, and I was surprised to find that some of major tenants had been closed their stores in this malls.

it's been so sad for me because I had been a regular shopper. and it had been 8 years since …

My Thoughts

Happy New Year

yee haa, year 2006 has finally gone and let's face 2007 with a new hope that life will be better and easier.

Yeah, actually I post this wordpress blog entry using my Sony Ericsson M600i opera mobile browser. It works perfectly good and fast. fortunately this phone is using qwerty …

My Journey, Travel & Technology

New Phone

Last week I purchased a new GSM Phone, oddly out of my budget control and out out my promise (not to buy expensive phone anymore). It is a Sony Ericsson M600 white. Built in candy bar, using Symbian OS 9.1 known as UIQ3, plus touch screen, I can say …

My Thoughts

Fried Chicken Comparison & Tips

Note: my survey has not completed yet, so please come later for full story :)

This is price comparison when you are trying to eat fried chicken in the fast food restaurant. The menu should be : 2 Chickens, 1 rice, 1 softdrink.

KFC : Combo 1 : 19200
McD : Chicken MacD 1 : 20000 …

My Journey

Holiday in MotherCity (=Ibukota)

Yep, just passed through a week without traffic problem in Jakarta. Compared to last year, this year is a bit different, most of the stores were still open and food stores and restaurants were counting quick money since people need them so bad.

Ancol was full, puncak was jammed, Taman …

My Thoughts

The Departed vs Infernal Affair

Just watched The Departed (starring Matt Damon, Leo Di Caprio, and Jack Nicholson). Compared to Infernal Affair (IA), this film is losing everything except good and famous casts. You should watch IA if you said The Departed is an Oscar condender. IA is really an efficient storytelling film, keep every …

My Thoughts, Web

House of Ashes

Firstly open the site, I found it was a brilliant idea to get money, just to create 1000 slot and wait for blogger to buy a slot for \$3, so people entering this main site will probably pick your blog site by your image/photo.

But after several minutes moving …

My Journey

Escape from the Island - Day 8

The final day finally came. I had to leave this island and back to reality. As I could tell, you'll have different feeling when you were waiting for a airplane to take you home compared to waiting for  boat. The boat definitely had magical tricks to make you feel sad …

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