A box on top of dining table looks not inviting. As I am not a huge fan of such snacks called 'pia' (something like dry cake) because bad taste brought by my friend from Semarang or Yogyakarta, so the box would not be touched by me unless told by my lovely wife.
She said that to buy this Pia Legong, you have to order 3 weeks prior pickup!! The producer is unable to catch huge demand of their product so the waiting list now is 3 weeks time. wow, this is quite a story to tell in my blog then. [
One of the happening place in Jakarta during 1980s is Gajah Mada Plaza. Traveling to Jakarta without visiting it would be shameful to tell your relatives. It was big and well-known at that time, 7 storeys, many stores, and not to forget the famous Rimo Department Store. Visiting this place during my childhood would take 2-3 hours completed with meal at Kentucky Fried Chicken or MacD.
Those golden ages had gone. New shopping malls with much bigger space spring in Jakarta, and people's changed too. Although located at Central Jakarta, it is not the main spot of gathering place anymore. Rimo has closed its business, now replaced with Matahari Dept Store, what left is MacD (now Tony Jack), Optik Seis, and the 'as always' GM 21 Cineplex.
As I had a work matter in Yogyakarta on last March, got a chance to stay in one of Accor Hotels group, named Phoenix Hotel Yogyakarta.
Located just short walk from Simpang Tugu, a landmark on the north of Yogya Sultan Palace, it is very convenient and walkable to the famous Malioboro shopping street. Whenever I got tired of walking, just hailed a becak to take me back to the hotel.
Categorized under Galery Mercure brand, means that this hotel has something special, not just a hotel. Phoenix Hotel brings out a sense of authentic javanese touch in ornaments and details. The building itself is classic, the one that erected before 20th century. Yep, it was built in 1819 by a Chinese businessman named Mr. Kwik Djoen Eng. If you have time and money, try to book suite room 221, it is called The Kwik Djoen Eng Suite, I believe it has many memorabilia of him in it.
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Saya mempunyai sejumlah koleksi travel guide books versi English. Mencari travel guide versi Indonesia yang informatif bisa dibilang saat ini tidak ada, yang ada cuma buku-buku catatan perjalanan orang ke luar negeri yang mau irit sehingga terkesan miskin di rumah host.
Untunglah saat ini tersedia edisi terjemahan. Beberapa waktu lalu saya ke toko buku Gramedia, takjub menemukan 3 seri DK Eyewitness Travel Top 10 dalam bahasa Indonesia yang diterbitkan Penerbit Erlangga. Ada Top 10 Hong Kong, Beijing, dan Roma. Setelah saya Google, sebenarnya telah diluncurkan 5 seri buku ini pada April lalu, selain 3 yang disebutkan tadi masih ada Top 10 New York dan Bangkok.
Saya adalah penggemar buku travel keluaran DK Publishing, sejumlah koleksi seri Eyewitness Travel saya beli murah lewat Internet dengan harga USD 4-7 per buku. Jangan kaget mengapa saya beli begitu murah, kategorinya adalah used books. Walaupun namanya bekas, sebagian besar saya terima dalam kondisi 99% mulus. Sedangkan harga buku ini kalau dibeli baru adalah USD 15-40 tergantung tebal dan serinya.
Di era Internet sekarang ini, melakukan booking hotel bukanlah perkara yang sulit lagi. Dahulu kita harus mendatangi travel agent untuk melakukan reservasi, atau menelepon langsung hotel yang ingin kita kunjungi dengan menaruh sejumlah deposit uang sebagai tanda jadi.
Kini segala informasi tersedia di Internet termasuk informasi hotel. Hotel yang berbintang haruslah mempunyai website sendiri, terlebih bintang 4 atau 5 pasti memiliki fasilitas online booking. Dengan mudah kita dapat mengetahui room availability sesuai dengan tanggal yang kita inginkan, berikut room rate untuk setiap tipe kamarnya. Dengan kartu kredit sebagai guarantee atau metode upfront payment, proses booking memakan waktu tidak lebih dari 15 menit.
Selain itu juga banyak situs Internet yang berfungsi sebagai online hotel booking website. Website seperti ini bekerja sama dengan ratusan hingga ribuan hotel di seluruh dunia sehingga cukup dari 1 website, kita mempunyai banyak pilihan hotel sesuai bintang, budget, dan lokasi yang kita inginkan. Tidak ketinggalan biasanya terdapat review dari orang yang telah booking dan tinggal di hotel tersebut sebelumnya, sehingga sedikit banyak kita mendapat gambaran yang real dari hotel tersebut di luar deskripsi dari pemilik hotel sendiri.
I was inside a church, it was an old church built around 1670-1680 and located adjacent to Santa Lucia Stazione at Venezia, Italia. That morning, I woke up early to prepare everything for my tour group and still had some time to spare before starting to explore Venezia (or Venice in English). When I walked thru that church, I realized that a mass had just begun, so I entered and sat on the last row bench.
In Italian, it is called Chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazareth, literally Church of Santa Maria of Nazaret, also locally known as Scalzi. As similar to other churches I had ever attended in Europe, mass like this is never full of people. But in Italy, churches are more popular since almost all Italian are Catholic. But weekday mass is as usual, mostly empty.
One of the brave moves from AirAsia Group is the plan to operate Tune Hotel in Central London, UK. Scheduled to open its door in August 2010, this Tune Hotel will operate just like its chain in Malaysia and Indonesia: compete in low price.
Just like low-cost airlines, room rates are offered in different price levels. If we book well ahead, we may get cheapest rate compared to last-minute booking. Hotel amenities are basic, room only. Air con is optional and can be purchased in slot of 12 or 24 hours. Towels are optional, too, if you bring your own towel (which I don't prefer) then you don't have to pay for towel rental fee.
After writing the articles for 3 weeks, finally I can now officially publish my latest travel guide: Panduan Jalan ke Thailand.
As you might know from my previous post, I went to Bangkok, Krabi, Phi Phi Islands, and Phuket on late March 2010. So this is my pleasure to write …
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